Grant and Project Administration Requirements: This training ensures that recipients and subrecipients understand the primary responsibilities in administering a Continuum of Care (CoC) Program project. The module includes a summary of information about the requirements established for recipients and subrecipients in the CoC Program interim rule.
HMIS Administration: This training provides instruction for end users on the use and management of to better manage operations. This training is beneficial to new HMIS end users.
Program Management and Monitoring: How to effectively manage CDBG including oversight of third parties (subrecipients, contractors, developers, other government entities), development of program management and tracking systems, dealing with HUD monitoring/audit reviews.
Timekeeping: Timekeeping policies, procedures and practices are often found to not be in compliance with 2CFR200 regulations. Non-compliance of timekeeping requirements could result in monitoring findings and disallowed costs. This training aids recipients and subrecipients in properly maintaining timesheets and documentation to support reimbursement of personnel costs.
Fringe Benefit Rates: 2CFR200 allows reimbursement of personnel costs including salaries and benefits. Recipients typically calculate benefit costs for each employee charging time to federal grant programs which is onerous and time consuming. Most are not aware that compensated leave, i.e., vacation, holiday, and sick time is also eligible for reimbursement as a fringe benefit. The training is designed to ensure participants have a clear understanding of allowable fringe benefit costs. A tool was created to develop an organizational fringe benefit rate providing a more efficient methodology for reimbursement of fringe costs and increased cost recovery from federal grants.
Cost Allocation and Indirect Costs: Indirect costs are defined as those that have been incurred for common or joint objectives and cannot be readily identified with a particular final cost objective. These costs are usually applied on an equitable basis across all non-federal entities’ direct program activities according to the benefits each will derive from them. Cost allocation is an important concept for HUD recipients to understand the full costs of delivering services. The training is designed to help participants gain a better understanding of cost allocation principles, total costs of delivering services and options for recovering those costs from federal grants.
De Minimis Rate: A 10% de minimis rate may be elected by an organization to recover indirect costs if certain criteria is met as described in Uniform Administration Guidance . Utilization of the 10% de minimis rate is the easiest method for recovering indirect costs. A tool was developed to help participants understand, develop, budget, and utilize the de minimis rate including the benefits derived.
Procurement: Organizations must have and use documented procurement procedures, consistent with regulations and standards of the Uniform Administrative Guidance, for the acquisition of property or service required under Federal awards. Participants of this workshop will obtain sufficient knowledge to provide oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of contracts and/or purchase orders.
Accounting Policies and Procedures: Written policies and procedures are one of the best ways to improve internal controls and reduce the likelihood of funds being misused. The focus of this training is on proper financial reporting and accounting requirements. Strong policy and procedures help to strengthen financial infrastructure which governs reporting, compliance, internal controls, and financial environment.
Compliance and Monitoring: This training ensures understanding of compliance with the CoC Program and related federal requirements.
Crosscutting Federal Requirements: Brief overview of key crosscutting federal requirements including NEPA, URA, Davis-Bacon, Section 3, MBE/WBE.