RKG Associates, Inc.


Economic | Planning | Real Estate

RKG Associates, Inc. (RKG) is a full service economic, planning and real estate consulting firm with offices located in Alexandria, VA, Boston, MA, and Atlanta, GA. Since 1981, the firm has successfully completed more than two thousand consulting projects regionally, nationally and internationally, providing a comprehensive range of economic, planning, marketing and management services to governmental, business, and institutional clients. The firm currently employs 9 full-time professionals, having grown to become one of the most respected economic and real estate advisory consulting firms in United States.

RKG specializes in the application of economic analysis to economic development, real estate development, housing, and financing issues toward the goal of attracting private sector investment and job creation. They have completed numerous economic development strategic plans and economic diversification strategies. Their approach is to synthesize the market, real estate, and fiscal analysis into an achievable, yet progressive, implementation strategy.  Simply put, an economic development effort is only effective if it is accompanied by a detailed “road map” for the client to transition from vision to action. RKG's expertise transcends the location, size and scale of a community, having applied our economic development efforts in rural towns and cities all the way to major metropolitan areas.

RKG’s national experience gives us a unique perspective on critical housing issues and evolving federal housing policies, as well as unparalleled access to “best practices” in market-rate and affordable housing throughout the country. In the past few years, members of our company have served as technical advisors to the Atlanta (GA) Housing Authority, recently completed a housing market study and needs analysis for Norman, OK, and evaluated the need and market demand for employer-supported housing in the Marlborough, Massachusetts. RKG also completed work on a rental housing market study and needs assessment for Montgomery County, Maryland, which has the oldest and most well-known inclusionary zoning ordinance in the nation. RKG is currently working on a statewide homeownership study for the State of Michigan.